There are more refunds sleeping around us than we think.Find out how much tax you paid, overpaid fees, double paid fees, health insurance premiums, value-added tax, etc.Through this app, you can view and apply for various refunds and subsidies available now.[Disclaimer]- This app is not an official app representing any government or political organization. This app was created by an individual to provide quality information, and we assume no responsibility.[Information Source]- Korea Policy Briefing website ( Small business management fund ( Bokjiro ( National Health Insurance Corporation website ( Social Insurance Integrated Collection Portal ( Civil Service 24 ( Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute My account at a glance ( Financial Supervisory Service Fine ( 4 Major Insurance Society Information Link Center ( National Pension Service ( Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service ( Home Tax ( my insurance at the Life Insurance Association ( Choice ( Finance Association ( Secretary ( Policy -▣App access permission informationIn compliance with Article 22-2 (Consent to Access Rights) of the Information and Communications Network Act, we will inform you of the access rights required to use the app service. ※ Users can grant the permissions below to use the app smoothly.Depending on its properties, each permission is divided into mandatory permissions that must be granted and optional permissions that can be optionally granted.[Permission to allow selection]- Location: Use location permissions to check your location on the map. However, location information is not saved.- Save: Save post images, save cache to improve app speed- Camera: Use the camera function to upload post images- Files and media: Use the file and media access function to attach files and images to posts.※ You can use the service even if you do not agree to the optional access rights.※The app contains advertisements and does not sell separate payment or paid products.---Developer contact information:+8201083208421